April 2014 Report
We continue to look at how our work should develop, both here and in Uganda, and hope to have more information on ‘restructuring’ next month. In Uganda we’re looking at how Acheru might be improved and used to capacity, while in the north, we’ve been considering proposals for the work there. As we continue to develop our Minakulu base, we want to look at a more flexible approach to how we can react to need over a wide area. We are now trying to implement a number of initiatives and hope these will quickly result in more children being helped.
Some more stories from Acheru:
Regan, now aged 7, was first treated in 2011, but deteriorated at home and has now been brought back. He suffers from cerebral palsy and was severely malnourished, but is now showing significant improvement. His mother says: “I have a husband who doesn’t care about our children, he spends his time in bars drinking alcohol and looking for more women, sometimes he beats me up. My husband comes home for food and having children with me. I am helpless and live very far deep in the village where I cannot access medical services and find it hard to raise transport and medical bills for Regan. His father calls him a curse and doesn’t want to know about him. I stay with my children in a one room hut which is leaking when it rains. Some people in the village say my son is possessed with demons so I have to consult witch doctors. Everybody thought he was dying. I was keeping him for his last breath; I had no hope of bringing him back to life.”
Wasswa Ivan is 17 years old. He lost his leg in an accident and failed to get proper treatment in a number of hospitals before being brought to Acheru. He says: “Wounds started healing but a small wound remained, it started smelling and I went back to hospital where I was given medicine and dressings but it was not healing for two years, maggots started coming out of the wound. People thought I had cancer, I knew it was not curable and was just waiting for the day to die but with God’s mercy, love and care, through Acheru and CoRSU several surgeries were performed and I got an artificial leg. People cannot tell that I have one leg. I am so happy, thank you Acheru and CoRSU, thank you God.”
Martin Ssempijja suffered severe burns, and his mother blamed a neighbour. She says “he couldn’t stand anymore nor walk as he used to. Surgery was expensive and we couldn’t afford it, then a lady whose child was treated at Acheru directed us there. We thought it would be expensive but it has not been.
With God’s grace, love and mercy everything is possible. I am a Muslim but since I came to Acheru I have been treated emotionally and psychologically. I was mad at my neighbour and felt it was hard for me to forgive her but after staying at Acheru my heart has changed and I forgive her with all my heart, when I go home we are going to be friends again. As a family we are so happy for the great work done and love showed to us by lovely people in Acheru.”
Brian Dorman

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  All content © Africare unless otherwise stated
  Africare is a registered charity, HMRC Charity No – XN 76448
NI Charity Registration No – NIC101141